MQTT Protocol – Introduction

What is MQTT?

MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is a communication protocol specifically designed for efficient and reliable communication between a wide range of devices, from simple sensors to complex control systems.

History and application

IBM developed MQTT in 1999, originally for monitoring pipelines and other critical infrastructures. In 2010, it was made freely available to the public. Since then, the protocol has rapidly expanded into other industries. Today, it is one of the key protocols for connecting IoT devices (Internet of Things).

How does MQTT Work?

At the center of MQTT communication is the broker, which acts as a central node for processing and distributing messages between clients. Clients are divided into two main categories:

  • Publishers: Devices that send data to the broker.
  • Subscribers: Devices that receive data from the broker.

The primary role of the broker is to ensure that messages from publishers are delivered to all relevant subscribers.

Advantages of MQTT


One of the main advantages of MQTT is its ability to handle client outages without data loss. When a subscribed client goes offline, the broker stores messages for it until the connection is restored and the client acknowledges their receipt.


Messages in MQTT are directed to specific topics, providing a high degree of flexibility and scalability. A single message can be distributed to an unlimited number of recipients, allowing for efficient one-to-many communication. In this way, the same data can be made accessible to multiple devices or systems without unnecessary network congestion. MQTT also offers the ability to control who has permissions to subscribe to and publish to individual topics.


MQTT is optimized for low-capacity and high-latency networks, making it an ideal solution in all areas where fast and reliable real-time data exchange is crucial. Additionally, its implementation is quick and straightforward, facilitating integration with existing systems.

MQTT is our favorite protocol at IoT Industries, with which we have excellent experiences. It has established itself in the market as a key tool for modern IoT solutions, offering reliable, flexible, and efficient communication between devices. Integrating MQTT into your systems can significantly enhance the performance and security of your processes, taking your business to the next level

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